Public Hearing and Decision on River Point Area Voluntary Annexation
A. Conduct a public hearing for River Point Area voluntary annexation, and
B. Adopt an annexation ordinance with an effective date of June 10, 2024, to extend the corporate limits to include this property and assign it to the adjacent City Council District 3.
Staff Resource(s):
Alyson Craig, Planning, Design & Development
Holly Cramer, Planning, Design & Development
* Public hearings to obtain community input are required prior to City Council taking action on annexation requests.
* A petition has been received from the owners of this 54.192-acre property located along the west side of Dixie River Road, north of Lynn Parker Lane in western Mecklenburg County.
* The property is owned by Crescent River District, LLC.
* The site is currently vacant and is zoned MUDD-O ANDO (mixed-use development district, optional, airport noise disclosure overlay).
* Rezoning petition 2016-056 rezoned this site in November of 2016 as part of the larger River District master-planned community.
* The intent of the annexation is to extend municipal services to the site to support the development of 193 single family units.
* The petitioned area consists of one parcel; parcel identification number: 113-291-07.
* The property is located within Charlotte's extraterritorial jurisdiction and does not share boundaries with current city limits.
* In the evaluation of this annexation area, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Stormwater Services, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department, Charlotte Department of Transportation, and Charlotte Solid Waste Services noted that this annexation area would have minimal to no impacts to the departments' resources.
* In reviewing this annexation petition, the Charlotte Fire Department noted that the temporary station to service development in the area is expected to be completed in the third quarter of 2025, and will need to be operational prior to granti...
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