Property Transactions - Regional Solids Conveyance Phase 1A, Parcels # 19 and 20
Action: Approve the following Acquisition: Regional Solids Conveyance Phase 1A, Parcels # 19 and 20
Project: Regional Solids Conveyance Phase 1A, Parcels # 19 and 20
Program: Regional Solids Conveyance Phase 1A
Owner(s): Ryan Thomas Howard and Jaclyn Suzanne Howard
Property Address: 10709 and 10721 Moores Chapel Road
Total Parcel Area: 1,007,637 sq. ft. (23.132 ac.)
Property to be acquired by Easements: 28,151 sq. ft. (0.646 ac.) Sanitary Sewer Easement and 623 sq. ft. (0.014 ac.) Temporary Construction Easement
Structures/Improvements to be impacted: None
Landscaping to be impacted: None
Zoned: N1-A
Use: Neighborhood 1 Zoning District
Parcel Identification Number: 053-201-13 and 053-201-31
https://polaris3g.mecklenburgcountync.gov/#mat=10130&pid=05320113&gisid=05320113 https://polaris3g.mecklenburgcountync.gov/#mat=522799&pid=05320131&gisid=05320131
Purchase Price: $30,275
Council District: Adjacent to Council District 3