Professional Engineering Services for Surface Water Quality Enhancement Projects
A. Approve a unit price contract with Armstrong Glen, P.C. for surface water quality enhancement services for an initial term of three years, and
B. Authorize the City Manager to renew the contract for up to two, one-year terms with possible price adjustments and to amend the contract consistent with the purpose for which the contract was approved.
Staff Resource(s):
Angela Charles, Charlotte Water
Mike Davis, Storm Water Services
Robert Zink, Storm Water Services
* Storm Water Services constructs surface water quality enhancement projects to remove pollutants from stormwater runoff before the water is discharged into creeks. Many of these creeks do not currently meet state water quality standards, and these projects are intended to improve surface water quality towards meeting these standards.
* This contract will be utilized to evaluate the feasibility of and provide design services for surface water quality enhancement projects.
* This contract also includes evaluations and improvements of existing city-owned stormwater control measures.
* On March 13,2023, the city issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ); 11 responses were received.
* Armstrong Glen, P.C. is the best qualified firm to meet the city's needs on the basis of demonstrated competence and qualification of professional services in response to the RFQ requirements.
* Annual contract expenditures are estimated to be $250,000.
Charlotte Business INClusion
The city negotiates subcontracting participation after the proposal selection process (Part C: Section 2.1(h) of the Charlotte Business INClusion Policy).
Armstrong Glen, P.C. has committed 10.00% of the total contract amount to the following certified firm(s):
* Froehling & Robertson, Inc. (MBE) (geotechnical assessment)
* Survey and Mapping Control, Inc. (SBE) (field surveying)
Fiscal Note
Funding: Storm Water Servic...
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