Airport Joint Operations Center
A. Approve a contract in the amount of $1,432,770 to RS&H Architects-Engineers-Planners, Inc. for design services for a Joint Operation Center, and
B. Adopt a budget ordinance appropriating $1,432,770 from the Aviation Discretionary Fund to the Aviation Community Investment Plan Fund.
Staff Resource(s):
Brent Cagle, Aviation
§ The Department of Homeland Security provided a nationwide recommendation that all airports establish Joint Operations Centers (JOC).
§ The primary purpose of a JOC is to serve as an airport’s emergency coordination center to manage security, incident response, as well as day-to-day airport operations.
§ The JOC will accommodate airport operations and security, local and federal law enforcement, airlines, and the Transportation Security Administration.
§ On February 3, 2014, the City issued a Request for Qualifications; 29 firms submitted a proposal.
§ RS&H Architects-Engineers-Planners, Inc. was selected for this project based on its expertise in the design of large aviation facilities.
§ Design is expected to take approximately eight months and construction will take approximately 18 months.
§ This project is included in the approved Aviation Community Investment Plan.
Charlotte Business INClusion
The City negotiates subcontracting participation after the proposal selection process (Part C: Section 2.1(h) of the Charlotte Business INClusion Policy).
RS&H Architects-Engineers-Planners, Inc. has committed 12.54% ($179,600) of the total contract amount to the following certified firms:
§ System WorCx, PLLC (SBE) ($122,100) (LEED consulting)
§ Capstone Civil Engineering, Inc. (SBE, MBE) ($50,000) (subsurface investigation)
§ SikesDesign, PLLC (SBE) ($7,500) (landscape design)
Fiscal Note
Funding: Aviation Community Investment Plan
Budget Ordinance