Stowe Regional Water Resource Recovery Facility Construction
Approve change order #1 for $2,427,654 to The Haskell Company for Design-Build construction services of Stowe Regional Water Resource Recovery Facility Influent Pump Station and Headworks project.
Staff Resource(s):
Angela Charles, Charlotte Water
David Czerr, Charlotte Water
Carl Wilson, Charlotte Water
* The Haskell Company has developed a guaranteed maximum price for the construction changes to the final phase of the influent pump station and headworks infrastructure for the future Stowe Regional Water Resource Recovery Facility (SRWRRF) adjacent to Council Districts 2 and 3.
* This scope of work was previously identified for the overall Stowe site and is being added to this contract for efficiency of construction and includes construction of force mains on the Stowe site, electrical upgrades, and a water main tie in to serve the future Stowe RWRRF.
* City Council has previously approved aspects of this project on July 8, 2019, March 28, 2022, and February 27, 2023, for design and construction with a total of $163,946,855.
* The new total value of the contract, including this change order, is $166,374,509.
* The project is anticipated to be complete by first quarter 2026.
Charlotte Business INClusion
All additional work involved in this Change Order will be performed by The Haskell Company and their existing subcontractors. The Haskell Company has committed 44.77% ($1,086,833) of the total Change Order to the following certified firm(s):
* AMP Utility Distribution Services, LLC (WBE, SBE) ($55,544) (material supplier)
* Bird Dog Traffic Control, LLC (WBE, SBE) ($18,050) (traffic control services)
* Fuller & Co. Construction, LLC (SBE) ($1,006,589) (supply and install pipes, jack and bore installation)
* Mercados Construction Clean Up, Inc. (MBE) ($6,650) (construction debris dumpster services, temporary toilet and hand wash stations)
Fiscal Note
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