Storm Water Rain and Stream Gauges Maintenance Agreement
Approve a five-year agreement with the United States Geological Survey (USGS) for an amount up to $2,247,100 for maintenance of storm water rain and stream gauges.
Staff Resource(s):
Mike Davis, Engineering and Property Management
Samantha Willis, Engineering and Property Management
* The funding from this agreement is used to maintain the rain and stream gauge system in the City of Charlotte stream network.
* Since 1961, the City of Charlotte has worked with the USGS gathering rainfall and stream flow information through a cost-sharing program. The previous agreement was for a five-year period and approved by Council on November 26, 2012.
* The rain and stream gauge network for the City of Charlotte is part of a nationwide network that measures quantity and quality of surface water resources.
* A rain gauge electronically collects and transmits the amount of rain at the location the gauge is stationed. The gauge transmits rainfall amounts to the USGS office for compilation.
* A stream gauge electronically collects and transmits information about the water within streams and lakes. The gauge collects and transmits elevation, temperature, chemical flow information to the USGS office for compilation.
* There are 31 stream gauge stations and 38 rain gauge stations in the City of Charlotte stream network.
* Data from the gauge system is used to:
* Determine flood-prone areas,
* Review rain event impacts,
* Determine long-term trends,
* Aid in water-quality investigations,
* Assist in drainage infrastructure design, and
* Generate the flood information and notification system, which notifies emergency personnel of potential threats to life and property.
* The agreement with USGS is for a five-year period. The total five-year cost is $3,590,800. The City's share payable to USGS on 31 stream gauges and 38 rain gauges is $2,247,100, with USGS funding the $1,343,...
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