Interlocal Agreement for the Reedy Creek Phase 1 Tributaries Water Quality Enhancement Project
A. Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to negotiate and execute an interlocal agreement with Mecklenburg County for construction of the Reedy Creek Phase 1 Tributaries Water Quality Enhancement Project, and
B. Authorize the City Manager, or his designee to amend the interlocal agreement consistent with the purpose for which the agreement was approved.
Staff Resource(s):
Angela Charles, Charlotte Water
Mike Davis, Storm Water Services
Robert Zink, Storm Water Services
§ The Reedy Creek Tributaries Water Quality Enhancement Project is intended to improve surface water quality in the Reedy Creek watershed and help the city meet its ongoing permit requirements under the Federal Clean Water Act.
§ This interlocal agreement between Mecklenburg County and the city will accelerate the construction of approximately 9,000 linear feet of stream improvement located along a portion of Reedy Creek that runs from Hood Road to Interstate 485 in Council District 5.
§ This interlocal agreement outlines the city’s partnership with Mecklenburg County to design and construct the project, including cost-sharing and reimbursement specifics for construction activities.
§ The estimated design and construction costs for the city-funded portion of the project is $5,700,000.
§ This interlocal agreement will also require approval by the Mecklenburg County Board of County Commissioners.
Fiscal Note
Funding: Stormwater Capital Investment Plan
Interlocal Agreement