Airport Roadway Relocation Design Services Contract
A. Approve a contract in the amount of $2,296,662 with STV Engineers, Inc. for West Boulevard Relocation Design services, and
B. Authorize the City Manager to amend the contract consistent with the purpose for which the contract was approved.
Staff Resource(s):
Haley Gentry, Aviation
Jack Christine, Aviation
§ This contract will provide for the engineering, design, and bidding services to replace a portion of the existing West Boulevard roadway that conflicts with the South End-Around Taxiway and Fourth Parallel Runway projects currently underway at the Airport.
§ On July 26, 2022, the City issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ); five responses were received.
§ STV Engineers, Inc. is the best qualified firm to meet the city’s needs on the basis of demonstrated competence and qualification of professional services in response to the RFQ requirements.
§ Design is anticipated to be completed by October of 2023. Aviation intends to return to City Council in the Spring of 2024 with a contract amendment to include construction administration services.
§ This activity is occurring on airport property.
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
The city negotiates subcontracting participation after the firm is selected for this service contract. STV Engineers has committed 9.20% ($211,235) of the total contract amount to the following certified firms:
§ Eden & Associates (DBE)($78,785)(FAA coordination)
§ Bree & Associates (DBE)($74,000)(cost estimating)
§ Jarrett Engineering (DBE)($58,450)(utility coordination)
Fiscal Note
Funding: Aviation Capital Investment Plan