Construct Storm Drainage Improvement Projects
A. Reject the low bid submitted by Onsite Development, LLC. for Collective Storm Drainage Improvement Project Series Z, and
B. Approve a contract in the amount of $2,288,773.70 to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder United of Carolinas, Inc. for the Collective Storm Drainage Improvement Project Series Z.
Staff Resource(s):
Angela Charles, Charlotte Water
Mike Davis, Storm Water Services
Matthew Gustis, Storm Water Services
? This contract is part of an ongoing program to provide repairs and/or improvements to storm drainage systems.
? This contract will address storm drainage systems at:
? 1818 Baxter Street (Council District 1)
? 7316 Thorncliff Drive (Council District 6)
? The work includes grading, drainage, water/sanitary sewer, sidewalks, asphalt replacement, channel repair, and curb and gutter.
? On May 30, 2023, the city issued an Invitation to Bid; five bids were received.
? United of Carolinas, Inc was selected as the lowest responsive, responsible bidder.
? The project is anticipated to be complete by fourth quarter of 2024.
? The low-bid of $1,978,915.11 submitted by Onsite Development, LLC. was found not to be responsive for failing to meet the established M/SBE goal and Good Faith Efforts requirement.
Charlotte Business INClusion
Established MBE Goal: 7.00%
Committed MBE Goal: 15.79%
United of Carolinas, Inc. exceeded the established subcontracting goal and has committed approximately 15.79% ($361,367) of the total contract amount to the following certified firm(s) (Part B: Section 3 of the Charlotte Business INClusion Policy):
* RRC Concrete, Inc. (MBE) ($301,367) (concrete)
* Cesar A Leon (MBE, SBE) ($60,000) (hauling)
Established SBE Goal: 16.00%
Committed SBE Goal: 7.24%
United of Carolinas, Inc. failed to meet the established contract goal but earned the required minimum Good Faith Effort (Part B: Section 5 of the Charlotte Business INClus...
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