Replacement Ladder Trucks Purchase
A. Approve the purchase of fire apparatus from a cooperative contract, Sourcewell Contract #113021-RVG-4, and
B. Adopt a budget ordinance appropriating $3,405,838 from the Municipal Debt Service Fund to the General Capital Equipment Fund.
Staff Resource(s):
Reginald T. Johnson, Fire
Jerry Winkles, Fire
Damian Owens, Fire
§ On May 18, 2023, Charlotte experienced a historic 5-alarm fire in the South Park area.
§ During the incident, Ladders 2 and 16 were positioned strategically for life saving efforts.
§ Both apparatuses were damaged significantly due to extensive heat and debris.
§ Estimates to repair each apparatus exceed $700,000.
§ Given the age and current value of each apparatus, it is not feasible to invest in these repairs.
§ NC General Statute Section 143-129(e)(3) allows local governments to purchase from formally organized cooperative purchasing contracts.
§ A cooperative purchasing agreement results from the consolidation and competitive solicitation of multiple public agency requirements. By aggregating common needs all agencies can leverage economies of scale, such as volume discounts, improved terms and conditions, reduced administrative costs, and access to professional and technical expertise.
Charlotte Business INClusion
These are cooperative purchasing contracts and are exempt (Part A: Appendix 1.27 of Charlotte Business INClusion Policy).
Fiscal Note
Funding: General Capital Equipment Fund
Budget Ordinance