Water Meter and Automated Meter Reading System Replacement Consulting Services Contract Amendment
A. Approve a contract extension for nine months to the contract with Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. for water meter and automated meter reading system replacement consulting services, and
B. Authorize the City Manager to amend the contract consistent with the purpose for which the contract and this amendment was approved.
Staff Resource(s):
Angela Charles, Charlotte Water
Jackie Jarrell, Charlotte Water
Jon Behrendt, Charlotte Water
§ Charlotte Water plans to replace water meters and the current automatic meter reading (AMR) system to upgrade to the next generation meter reading system (Advanced Metering Infrastructure or AMI).
§ On October 21, 2020, the city issued a Request for Proposals for water meter and AMR replacement consulting services; ten responses were received.
§ In October 2021, Charlotte Water executed a contract with Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. for these services for a term of three years in the amount of $496,943 to perform a needs assessment and develop a business case.
§ The results from the initial assessment phase furnished the details required to develop the scope for this contract amendment, which will provide consulting services to prepare a solicitation for AMI equipment, software, and installation.
§ In the Summer of 2024, a contract for program management services for the AMI implementation will be presented to Council for approval.
§ The new estimated value of the contract, including this amendment, is $986,804.
Charlotte Business INClusion
Contract goals were not established on this Amendment as there were no viable subcontracting opportunities.
Fiscal Note
Funding: Charlotte Water Capital Investment Plan