Aviation Vertical Trash Compactors
A. Award a unit price contract to the lowest responsive bidder Becker Complete Compactor, Inc. for the purchase of vertical compactors for the term of three years,
B. Authorize the City Manager to renew the contract for up to two, one-year terms with possible price adjustments and to amend the contract consistent with the purpose for which it was approved, and
C. Adopt a budget ordinance appropriating $800,000 from the Aviation Discretionary Fund to the Aviation Community Investment Plan Fund.
Staff Resource(s):
Brent Cagle, Aviation
§ This contract will provide vertical compactors for trash disposal to mitigate over flow of trash throughout the Terminal.
§ On April 3, 2017, the City issued an Invitation to Bid; three bids were received from interested service providers.
§ Becker Complete Compactor, Inc. was selected as the lowest responsive, responsible bidder.
§ Estimated annual expenditures for the first year are $800,000 for approximately 60 compactors.
Charlotte Business INClusion
No subcontracting goal was established because there are no subcontracting opportunities (Part C: Section 2.1(a) of the Charlotte Business INClusion Policy).
Fiscal Note
Funding: Aviation Community Investment Plan
Budget Ordinance