Airport Fuel Farm Expansion Phase III Construction Contract
Approve a contract in the amount of $7,578,991.20 to the lowest responsive bidder NJR Group, Inc. for the Fuel Farm Expansion Phase III.
Staff Resource(s):
Brent Cagle, Aviation
Jack Christine, Aviation
§ The Fuel Farm facility provides onsite fuel storage for airlines and Airport tenants. Typical storage capacity for aviation fuel farms is five to seven days.
§ The Airport Fuel Farm Expansion Phase III will add new aviation fuel storage capacity and associated fuel farm improvements, removing two 10,000-barrel tanks and replacing them with a 45,000-barrel tank. With this new tank, the fuel farm will have a total capacity of approximately five days of fuel storage.
§ On May 14, 2018, City Council approved a contract with Argus Consulting, Inc. for the professional design services associated with Airport Fuel Farm Expansion project.
§ On October 17, 2019, the city issued an Invitation to Bid; seven bids were received.
§ NJR Group, Inc. was selected as the lowest responsive, responsible bidder.
§ The project is anticipated to be complete by April 2021.
§ This activity is occurring on Airport property in Council District 3.
Charlotte Business INClusion
Established MSBE Goal: 15.00%
Committed MSBE Goal: 15.84%
NJR Group, Inc exceeded the established MSBE subcontracting goal, and has committed 15.84% ($1,200,622) of the total contract amount to the following certified firm:
§ Besco Electrical Corporation (MBE) ($1,200,622) (electrical)
Fiscal Note
Funding: Aviation Capital Investment Plan