Fire Personal Protective Equipment
A. Approve unit price contracts for the purchase of firefighting helmets, boots, and gloves for a term of three years with the following vendors:
- CW Williams & Co. LLC,
- Newton's Fire & Safety Equipment Inc.,
- Rhinehart Family Company, dba Rhinehart Fire Services, and
B. Authorize the City Manager to renew the contracts for up to two, one-year terms with possible price adjustments and to amend the contracts consistent with the purpose for which the contracts were approved.
Staff Resource(s):
Reginald Johnson, Fire
Damian Owens, Fire
* The Charlotte Fire Department issues personal protective equipment to every employee with firefighting and rescue responsibilities.
* To provide safe and reliable equipment to perform duties, items are replaced throughout an employee's career as needed due to wear and tear and degradation. Additionally, NFPA certified items must be replaced within 10 years of manufacture date.
* On May 15, 2023, the city issued an Invitation to Bid; five bids were received.
* CW Williams & Co. LLC, Newton's Fire & Safety Equipment Inc., and Rhinehart Fire Services were selected as the lowest responsive, responsible bidders.
* The prices stated in the Price Schedule shall remain fixed for the Initial Term. At renewal, price increases shall only be allowed when justified in the city's sole discretion based on legitimate, bona fide increases in the cost of materials in accordance with the CPI data reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
* Annual expenditures are estimated to be $295,000.
Charlotte Business INClusion
Per Charlotte Business INClusion Policy: Part C: Section 2.1(a) The city shall not establish Subcontracting Goals for Contracts where a) there are no subcontracting opportunities identified for the Contract; or (b) there are no MWBEs or SBEs certified to perform the scopes of work that the city regards as realistic opportunities for subcontracting...
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