Fire Truck Maintenance Services Cooperative Contracts
A. Approve the purchase of fire truck maintenance services from a cooperative contract,
B. Approve a unit price contract with Oshkosh Corporation for the purchase of fire truck maintenance services for a term of three years under Sourcewell contract #113021-OKC-1,
C. Approve a unit price contract with Rev Group, Inc. for the purchase of fire truck maintenance services for a term of three years under Sourcewell contract #113021-RVG-2, and
D. Authorize the City Manager to extend the contract for additional terms as long as the cooperative contract is in effect, at prices and terms that are the same or more favorable than those offered under the cooperative contact.
Staff Resource(s):
Phil Reiger, General Services
Marcy Mars, General Services
Chris Trull, General Services
§ The city operates a fleet of 108 fire trucks and apparatus, and qualified vendors are needed to assist with occasional maintenance to support Charlotte Fire operations.
§ Oshkosh Corporation and Rev Group, Inc. manufacture fire truck apparatus, and also provide maintenance service and support.
§ NC General Statute Section 143-129(e)(3) allows local governments to purchase from formally organized cooperative purchasing contracts.
§ A cooperative purchasing agreement results from the consolidation and competitive solicitation of multiple public agency requirements. By aggregating common needs all agencies are able to leverage economies of scale, such as volume discounts, improved terms and conditions, reduced administrative costs, and access to professional and technical expertise.
§ Aggregate annual expenditures are estimated to be $1,600,000.
Charlotte Business INClusion
These are cooperative purchasing contracts and are exempt from the CBI Program.
Fiscal Note
Funding: General Services and Charlotte Fire Operating Budgets