Video Streaming Software Contract
A. Approve a contract with Granicus Inc. to provide maintenance and support for Granicus video streaming software for a term of four years and six months,
B. Authorize the City Manager to approve price adjustments and amend the contract consistent with the purpose for which it was approved, and
C. Authorize the City Manager to purchase maintenance and support for as long as the City uses the system.
Staff Resource(s):
Sandy D’Elosua, Charlotte Communications and Marketing
§ The City uses video streaming software for storage, capture, and video playback of live council meetings that is maintained and supported by Granicus Inc.
§ The City Manager approved a waiver of procurement process on the basis that this software interfaces with the City’s agenda creation software, which allows the City Clerk’s Office to connect the audio and video to the meeting.
§ Expenditures for maintenance and support are estimated to be $19,200 per year, subject to adjustments as authorized by the contract or by the City Manager.
Charlotte Business INClusion
No subcontracting goal was established because there are not subcontracting opportunities (Part C: Section 2.1 (a) of the Charlotte Business INClusion Policy).
Fiscal Note
Funding: Charlotte Communications and Marketing Operating Budget