Construct Sidewalk Gaps and Ramps Fiscal Year 2023
Approve a contract in the amount of $1,767,570.00 to the lowest responsive bidder United of Carolinas, Inc. for the Sidewalk Gaps and Ramps Fiscal Year 2023 project.
Staff Resource(s):
Phil Reiger, General Services
Jennifer Smith, General Services
Veronica Wallace, General Services
§ This contract is part of an ongoing program to provide sidewalk gap and accessible ramp improvements throughout Charlotte.
§ On October 24, 2022, the city issued an Invitation to Bid; three bids were received.
§ United of Carolinas, Inc. was selected as the lowest responsive, responsible bidder.
§ Approximately 16 projects may be constructed within the contract term. The number of projects may vary depending on the nature and extent of construction.
§ The contract is anticipated to be complete by fourth quarter 2024.
Charlotte Business INClusion
Established MBE Goal: 5.00%
Committed MBE Goal: 5.00%
United of Carolinas, Inc. has met the established subcontracting goal, and committed 5.00% of the total contract amount to the following MBE certified firm(s). (Part B. Section 3 of the Charlotte Business INClusion Policy):
§ Cesar A. Leon L.L.C. (MBE, SBE) (hauling)
§ Silverback Brothers Trucking LLC (MBE, SBE) (hauling)
§ Sun King Trucking, LLC. (MBE, SBE) (hauling)
Established SBE Goal: 13.00%
Committed SBE Goal: 13.00%
United of Carolinas, Inc. has met the established subcontracting goal, and committed 13.00% of the total contract amount to the following MBE certified firm(s). (Part B. Section 3 of the Charlotte Business INClusion Policy):
§ R.R.C. Concrete Inc (MBE, SBE) (concrete work)
§ Striping Concepts, LLC (SBE) (pavement markings)
Fiscal Note
Funding: General Capital Investment Plan