Greenhaven Lane and Pierson Drive Storm Drainage Improvement Project
Award a contract in the amount of $1,516,698.15 to the lowest responsive bidder B&N Grading, Inc. for the Greenhaven Lane and Pierson Drive Storm Drainage Improvement project.
Staff Resource(s):
Matthew Gustis, Engineering & Property Management
* The Greenhaven Lane and Pierson Drive Storm Drainage Improvement project will reduce flooding of streets, properties, and structures.
* The project area is located in the Briar Creek watershed with boundaries of Pierson Drive to the north and east, Albemarle Road to the south and Independence Boulevard to the west.
* The work will include:
* Storm drainage,
* Curb and gutter,
* Driveways,
* Asphalt pavement and replacement,
* Traffic control, and
* Water and sanitary sewer installation.
* On December 20, 2016, the City issued an Invitation to Bid for Greenhaven Lane and Pierson Drive Storm Drainage Improvements; seven bids were received from interested service providers.
* B&N Grading, Inc. was selected as the lowest responsive, responsible bidder.
* The project is anticipated to be complete by third quarter of 2018.
Charlotte Business INClusion
Established SBE Goal: 19%
Committed SBE Goal: 23.01%
B&N Grading exceeded the established subcontracting goal, and has committed 23.01% ($349,000) of the total contract amount to the following certified firms: (Part B: Section 3 of the Charlotte Business INClusion Policy):
* Silverback Brothers (SBE) (MBE) ($110,000) (select & backfill material)
* Streeter Trucking (SBE, MBE) ($65,000) (hauling)
* Landmark Materials (SBE) ($64,000) (excavation)
* RRC Concrete (SBE) ($57,000) ($45,000) (concrete work)
* Jones Grading & Fencing (SBE, MBE) ($8,000)
Established MBE Goal: 4%
Committed MBE Goal: 12.06%
B&N Grading exceeded the established subcontracting goal, and has committed 12.06% ($183,000) of the total contract amount to the following certified firms: (Part B: ...
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