SouthPark Comprehensive Neighborhood Improvement Projects
Approve a contract in the amount of $440,000 with AECOM Technical Services of North Carolina, Inc. for planning services for the SouthPark Comprehensive Neighborhood Improvement Projects.
Staff Resource(s):
Mike Davis, Engineering and Property Management
Leslie Bing, Engineering and Property Management
* $5.0 million for the SouthPark Comprehensive Neighborhood Improvement Projects (CNIP) was approved by voters as a part of the City's 2016 Bond Referendum, and an additional $5.0 million will be included in the 2018 Bond Referendum for a total of $10.0 million.
* The goals of the SouthPark CNIP include creating a well-connected network of streets, sidewalks, greenways, and bike lanes that link and enhance existing community assets.
* This contract will provide preliminary planning services for the SouthPark CNIP which will include, but is not limited to:
* Community engagement,
* Project identification and prioritization,
* Cost estimates, and
* Conceptual design.
* The CNIP plan will be developed in coordination with other current community investments in SouthPark, including the Cross Charlotte Trail (Brandywine to Tyvola Segment) and the Park South Drive Extension project.
* On November 30, 2016, the City issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ); six proposals were received from interested professional service providers.
* AECOM Technical Services of North Carolina, Inc. was selected as the best qualified firm to meet the City's needs.
Charlotte Business INClusion
The City negotiates subcontracting participation after the proposal selection process (Part C: Section 2.1(h) of the Charlotte Business INClusion Policy). AECOM has committed 24.85 percent ($109,336) of the total contract amount to the following firms:
* CMW Design Strategies, PLLC. (SBE) ($27,254) (urban planning consulting, streetscaping services)
* City Explained, Inc. (SBE) ($71,960) (z...
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