Transport Equipment for Electric Vehicle Chargers
A. Approve the purchase of solar powered electric vehicle charging transport equipment and solar powered electric vehicle chargers by sole source exemption,
B. Approve a contract with Beam Global for the purchase of electric vehicle charging transport equipment and solar powered electric vehicle chargers for the term of three years, and
C. Authorize the City Manager to renew the contract for up to two, one-year terms with possible price adjustments and to amend the contract consistent with the purpose for which the contract was approved.
Staff Resource(s):
Phil Reiger, General Services
Sarah Hazel, General Services
Heather Bolick, General Services
Sole Source Exemption
* NC General Statute Section 143-129(e)(6) provides that formal bidding requirements do not apply when:
* Performance or price competition are not available.
* A needed product is available from only one source or supply; or
* Standardization or compatibility is the overriding consideration.
* Sole sourcing is necessary for this contract because the needed products are available from only one source or supply.
* City Council approval is required for any purchases made under the sole source exception.
* The City of Charlotte was awarded a matching grant from the Clean Fuel Advanced Technology Project in 2019 and funding was used to purchase four solar-powered electric vehicle chargers (EV Arcs).
* The EV Arcs provide 100 percent solar powered electricity, helping move Charlotte closer to 100 percent zero-carbon fuel sources by 2030 as outlined in the Strategic Energy Action Plan.
* The city-owned EV Arcs have been moved from various locations to support off-the-grid public charging, including the Corridors of Opportunity geographies.
* This contract will be used for the purchase of transport equipment to more efficiently and safely transport EV Arc chargers.
* This contract can also be used for futur...
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