Wastewater Lift Station Improvements Phase 2
Approve a contract in the amount of $7,106,459.50 to the lowest responsive bidder State Utility Contractors, Inc. for Wastewater Lift Station Improvements Phase 2.
Staff Resource(s):
David Czerr, Charlotte Water
Ron Hargrove, Charlotte Water
Carl Wilson, Charlotte Water
§ This contract provides for safety and reliability improvements for 13 lift stations located within Mecklenburg County, including electrical upgrades and flow meter installations.
§ On November 22, 2019, the city issued an Invitation to Bid (ITB); one bid was received.
- G.S. 143-132 prohibits municipalities from awarding construction contracts over $500,000 without receiving at least three competitive bids from the initial advertisement of the contract. The city may subsequently award the contract even if re-advertisements result in fewer than three competitive bids.
§ On January 16, 2020, the ITB was re-issued; one bid was received.
§ State Utility Contractors, Inc. was selected as the lowest responsive, responsible bidder.
§ Phase 1 of this project was completed in December 2019 and provided for similar rehabilitation of 11 lift stations. Phase 2 is anticipated to be complete by the fourth quarter of 2022.
Charlotte Business INClusion
Established MSBE Goal: 10.00%
Committed MSBE Goal: 12.35%
State Utility Contractors, Inc. met the established subcontracting goal and has committed 12.35% ($877,555) of the total contract amount to the following certified firm (Part B: Section 3 of the Charlotte Business INClusion Policy):
§ All Systems Restored HVAC & Electrical LLC (SBE, MBE) ($877,555) (electrical)
Fiscal Note
Funding: Charlotte Water Capital Investment Plan