Blanchard Development Training Materials
A. Approve the purchase of supervisory development materials by the sole source exemption,
B. Approve a not-to-exceed contract for $820,000 with Blanchard for the purchase of supervisory development materials for the term of five years, and
C. Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to amend the contract consistent with the purpose for which this contract was approved.
Staff Resource(s):
Sheila Simpson, Human Resources
Candy Phillips, Human Resources
Sole Source Exemption
§ NC General Statute Section 143-129(e)(6) provides that formal bidding requirements do not apply when:
- Performance or price competition are not available;
- A needed product is available from only one source or supply; or
- Standardization or compatibility is the overriding consideration.
§ Sole sourcing is necessary for this contract because Blanchard owns the Leadership Behavior Analysis II assessment tool currently used by Human Resources in its ongoing supervisory development initiative.
§ City Council approval is required for any purchases made under the sole source exception.
§ The city implemented the Situational Leadership Experience (SLE) in the fall of 2021.
§ Approximately 94 percent of the city’s 1,400 supervisors have received SLE foundational training.
§ The proposed contract will provide training materials for next-level classes in continuing the city’s investment in this supervisory development effort.
Charlotte Business INClusion
This is a sole source contract and is exempt from the CBI Program.
Fiscal Note
Funding: Various Departments’ Operating Budgets