Property Transactions - Beckwith Meadow Storm Drainage Improvement Project, Parcel # 21
Action: Approve the following Condemnation: Beckwith Meadow Storm Drainage Improvement Project, Parcel # 21
Project: Beckwith Meadow Storm Drainage Improvement Project, Parcel # 21
Program: Beckwith Meadow Storm Drainage Improvement Project
Owner(s): Sarah Scot Thompson
Property Address: 1700 Anderson Street
Total Parcel Area: 14,522 sq. ft. (0.333 ac.)
Property to be acquired by Easements: 2,990 sq. ft. (0.069 ac.) Storm Drainage Easement, 3,472 sq. ft. (0.08 ac.) Sanitary Sewer Easement and 342 sq. ft. (0.008 ac.) Temporary Construction Easement
Structures/Improvements to be impacted: None
Landscaping to be impacted: Trees
Zoned: N1-B
Use: Neighborhood 1 Zoning District
Parcel Identification Number: 093-041-04
Appraised Value: $67,475
Property Owner’s Concerns: The property owner is concerned about the potential impacts to the property and compensation offered.
City’s Response to Property Owner’s Concerns: The city explained the rationale of the design and how it meets the objectives for the project. The city informed the property owner they could obtain their own appraisal or provide supporting documentation to justify any counteroffer. The city continues to negotiate with the property owner.
Recommendation: The recommendation is to proceed to condemnation during which time negotiations can continue, mediation is available, and if necessary, just compensation can be determined by the court.
Council District: 1
Attachment(s): Map