Airport Fourth Parallel Runway South End-Around Taxiway Project
A. Approve a contract in the amount of $136,914,188 to the lowest responsive bidder Ames Construction, Inc. for the Fourth Parallel Runway South End-Around Taxiway project, and
B. Approve contract amendment #1 for $7,915,103 for construction administration services to the contract with AECOM Technical Services of North Carolina, Inc. for the Fourth Parallel Runway South End-Around Taxiway project.
Staff Resource(s):
Haley Gentry, Aviation
Jack Christine, Aviation
* The Fourth Parallel Runway Program will enhance airfield capacity and operational efficiency and reduce the number of active runway crossings.
* The Program consists of three major projects. This project includes the construction of a new taxiway that will provide aircraft the ability to continuously taxi around the south end of the two center runways and associated airside and landside elements in preparation for the future Runway 1C-19C.
* The project is anticipated to be complete by the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2027.
Action A
* This contract will provide for pavement demolition and replacement, grading and excavation, hauling, stormwater drainage, erosion and sediment control, pavement markings, utility relocation, airfield electrical, Federal Aviation Administration power and communications, and navigational aid improvements.
* On June 27, 2024, the city issued an Invitation to Bid (ITB); one bid was received.
* NC General Statute 143-132 prohibits municipalities from awarding construction contracts over $500,000 without receiving at least three competitive bids from the initial advertisement of the contract. The city may subsequently award the contract even if readvertisements result in fewer than three competitive bids.
* On August 21, 2024, the city re-issued an ITB; two bids were received.
* Ames Construction, Inc. was selected as the lowest responsive, responsible bidde...
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