Matheson Flight Extenders Lease
A. Approve a five-year lease with Matheson Flight Extenders for cargo facility space, and
B. Authorize the City Manager to renew the lease for three additional, one-year, renewal terms consistent with the purpose for which the lease was approved.
Staff Resource(s):
Brent Cagle, Aviation
Haley Gentry, Aviation
§ Matheson Flight Extenders (Matheson) specializes in ground support services for the United States Postal Service and other commercial carriers.
§ The lease with Matheson is for a cargo facility located at 3628 A Yorkmont Road, Charlotte, North Carolina 28208.
§ The annual rent is $310,021, for a total of $1,550,105 over the initial five-year term.
§ Any additional renewal terms exercised will have an adjusted rent based on Consumer Price Index.