Pedestrian Safety Improvements Contract for Fiscal Year 2018
Award a contract in the amount of $1,953,402 to the lowest responsive bidder Zoladz Construction Co., Inc. for pedestrian safety projects.
Staff Resource(s):
Mike Davis, Engineering and Property Management
Becky Chambers, Engineering and Property Management
Angela Berry, Transportation
§ This contract will include the installation of pedestrian safety improvements including mid-block activated traffic signals with crosswalks (pedestrian beacons), refuge islands, pedestrian signals, and traffic signals in various locations throughout Charlotte.
§ Projects are identified through public requests and staff analysis and built throughout the course of the contract on an as-needed basis.
§ On August 30, 2017, the City issued an Invitation to Bid for Pedestrian Safety FY2018; two (02) bids were received from interested service providers.
§ Zoladz Construction Co., Inc. was selected as the lowest responsive, responsible bidder.
Charlotte Business INClusion
Established SBE Goal: 16.00%
Committed SBE Goal: 16.00%
Zoladz Construction Co., Inc. met the established SBE subcontracting goal, and has committed 16.00% ($312,544.32) of the total contract amount to the following certified firms (Part B: Section 3 of the Charlotte Business INClusion Policy):
• Pavers, Walls and Stamped Concrete, LLC (SBE, MBE) ($136,738.14) (concrete)
• Trull Contracting, LLC (SBE, WBE) ($100,000) (asphalt)
• McCloud Construction, LLC (SBE) ($75,806.18) (concrete)
Established MBE Goal: 7.00%
Committed MBE Goal: 7.00%
Zoladz Construction Co., met the established MBE subcontracting goal, and has committed 7.00% ($136,738.14) of the total contract amount to the following certified firms (Part B: Section 3 of the Charlotte Business INClusion Policy):
• Pavers, Walls and Stamped Concrete, LLC (SBE, MBE) ($136,738.14) (concrete)
Fiscal Note
Funding: General Community Investment Plan