Vest Water Treatment Plant Chemical Storage Tank Replacement Project
Award a contract in the amount of $149,000 to the lowest responsive bidder, Basinger Contracting Company, for the Vest Water Treatment Plant Chemical Storage Tank Replacement Project.
Staff Resource(s):
Barry Gullet, Charlotte Water
Carl Wilson, Charlotte Water
§ The City owns and maintains three water treatment plants in Mecklenburg County. The Vest Water Treatment Plant (WTP) located at 820 Beatties Ford Road in West Charlotte is the oldest.
§ The fluoride bulk storage tanks have reached the end of the useful life and need to be replaced. This Project replaces the two bulk storage tanks with one large polyethylene bulk storage tank and upgrades associated piping and feed equipment.
§ On March 8, 2017, the City issued an Invitation to Bid; two bids were received from interested service providers.
§ Basinger Contracting Company was selected as the lowest responsive, responsible bidder.
§ The project is anticipated to be complete by spring 2018.
Charlotte Business INClusion
Construction contracts estimated to be less than $300,000 are informal and exempt from the goal setting process (Part A: Section 3.1 of the Charlotte Business INClusion Policy). However, Basinger Contracting Company is a City SBE.
Fiscal Note
Funding: Charlotte Water Community Investment Plan