Bus Park and Ride Lots Grounds Maintenance
Approve contract amendment #3 in the amount of $123,487 with Roundtree Companies, LLC (MBE, SBE) for grounds maintenance services for various CATS Bus Park and Ride Lots.
Staff Resource(s):
Phil Reiger, General Services
David Wolfe, General Services
Erin Oliverio, General Services
* General Services Landscape Management Division provides grounds maintenance services for CATS Bus Park and Ride Lots at the following locations:
* Albemarle Road Park and Ride,
* Archdale Drive Bus Stop,
* Cornelius Park and Ride,
* Eastland Community Transit Center,
* Huntersville Park and Ride,
* Mallard Creek Park and Ride,
* Matthews Park and Ride,
* Northcross Park and Ride,
* Old Sardis Road Park and Ride, and
* Rosa Parks Community Transit Center.
* On March 9, 2021, the city entered a contract with Roundtree Companies, LLC in the amount of $370,461 for grounds maintenance services.
* This contract included turf maintenance, landscape maintenance, snow and ice removal, irrigation operation, bioretention, and wet retention maintenance.
* On February 8, 2024, the city executed contract amendment #1, to extend the term of the contract by the first of two, one-year renewal terms.
* On September 11, 2024, the city executed contract amendment #2, in the amount of $123,487, increasing the not to exceed value to $493,948.
* Contract amendment #3 is needed to extend the term of the contract by the second of the two, one-year renewal terms and to add $123,487 to support the extended time.
* The total contract amount including amendment #3 is $617,435.
Charlotte Business INClusion
Roundtree Companies, LLC is a city certified MBE and SBE. Contract goals were not established for this Contract because the scope of work or goods required does not present viable subcontracting opportunities. Roundtree Companies, LLC will be responsible for 100% of the work or goods, and there are no opportunities to incl...
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