Charlotte Water Biosolids Management Services
A. Approve a unit price contract with Synagro-WWT, Inc. for biosolids management services for an initial term of five years, and
B. Authorize the City Manager to renew the contract for up to one additional five year term with possible price adjustments and to amend the contract consistent with the purpose for which the contract was approved.
Staff Resource(s):
Angela Lee, Charlotte Water
Ron Hargrove, Charlotte Water
Jackie Jarrell, Charlotte Water
* Biosolids are nutrient-rich byproducts resulting from the wastewater treatment process, which are primarily land applied to farmland in Mecklenburg and surrounding counties in North Carolina and South Carolina. Charlotte Water's program is the largest land application program in the Southeast.
* Synagro-WWT, Inc. provides a comprehensive management program that includes critical components such as detailed technical and regulatory resources, experience with handling and placement of this material, high level monitoring and tracking of our biosolids, coordinated transportation, and specialized equipment to meet the needs of farmers and Charlotte Water's operations.
* Synagro-WWT, Inc. has agreed to honor the terms and conditions and current unit prices of the existing service contract.
* Charlotte Water is completing a Biosolids Master Plan to provide a long term strategy for the beneficial reuse of biosolids. The implementation of the plan will take six to ten years, and will employ more diverse product options.
* A waiver of the competitive solicitation process may be granted when deemed appropriate and in the City's best interest. Such a finding has been made and a waiver granted for this procurement.
* Information relating to this item was presented by Charlotte Water to City Council during the April 9 Action Review.
* Annual estimated contract expenditures are $5,000,000.
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