Municipal Agreement for New Traffic Signal Installation
A. Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Municipal Agreement with the North Carolina Department of Transportation in the amount of $214,000, and
B. Adopt a budget ordinance appropriating $214,000 for the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of East W.T. Harris Boulevard and University Ridge Drive/Rose Heather Court.
Staff Resource(s):
Debbie Smith, Transportation
David Smith, Transportation
§ The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) conducted an evaluation of crashes at the intersection of East W.T. Harris Boulevard and University Ridge Drive/Rose Heather Court in Council District 4.
§ The evaluation revealed a pattern of left-turning crashes from East W.T. Harris Boulevard onto the side streets.
§ NCDOT authorized the installation of a traffic signal at this intersection to improve safety for vehicles turning from East W.T. Harris Boulevard to University Ridge Drive/Rose Heather Court.
§ By this agreement, NCDOT authorizes the Charlotte Department of Transportation (CDOT) to install a traffic signal at this location.
§ This Municipal Agreement is needed to accept NCDOT reimbursement for the work performed.
§ This format is consistent with past Municipal Agreements between the city and NCDOT.
§ CDOT will install and operate this traffic signal as part of the existing signal systems in the area.
Fiscal Note
Funding: NCDOT Funds
Budget Ordinance