Goose Creek Sanitary Sewer Extension Reimbursable Agreement
A. Approve a five-year reimbursable agreement with Classic Neighborhood Development, LLC for construction of a portion of the Goose Creek Sanitary Sewer Extension to Cresthill Drive project, and
B. Adopt a budget ordinance appropriating $2,400,000.00 from Classic Neighborhood Development, LLC to the Charlotte Water Capital Projects Fund.
Staff Resource(s):
Angela Charles, Charlotte Water
David Czerr, Charlotte Water
Carl Wilson, Charlotte Water
§ On August 23, 2021, Council approved a developer reimbursement agreement with Arey Properties, LLC for funding toward the Goose Creek Sanitary Sewer Extension to Cresthill project. Due to organizational changes, the agreement resulting from Council’s previous approval of the sanitary sewer extension project needs to be terminated and replaced with a new agreement with Classic Neighborhood Development, LLC.
§ The agreement will include design, construction, and project administration for construction of a portion of the Goose Creek Sanitary Sewer Extension project in the Town of Mint Hill (adjacent to Council District 5).
§ The project will construct approximately 5,400 linear feet of sanitary sewer line from Lawyers Road to Cresthill Drive and will provide sanitary sewer service for the area.
§ In accordance with the Water and Sewer Extension Policy, Classic Neighborhood Development, LLC will be reimbursed for 84.3 percent of the total eligible project costs in five equal annual payments starting one year after completion of construction.
Fiscal Note
Funding: Private Developer Contributions
Budget Ordinance