Master Planning Services for Discovery Place Science Museum
Approve a contract in the amount of $700,000 with Jenkins-Peer Architects, PA for master planning services for the Discovery Place Science Museum.
Staff Resource(s):
Mike Davis, Engineering and Property Management
William Haas, Engineering and Property Management
Randy Harrington, Management and Financial Services
Catherine Horne, Discovery Place
* On January 9, 2017, City Council received a dinner briefing presentation from Catherine Horne of Discovery Place describing the need for a master plan for the 36-year-old facility.
* On January 23, 2017, City Council approved $950,000 in funding for the master plan.
* The master plan will determine how best to maximize the Discovery Place Science facility on Tryon Street, to meet Discovery Place educational priorities, serve the needs of a growing and changing community and how best to be an integral component of the North Tryon Vision Plan.
* On March 9, 2017, the City issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for master planning services for Discovery Place; 21 proposals were received from interested service providers.
* Jenkins-Peer Architects, PA and its associated sub-consulting team is the best qualified firm to meet the City's needs on the basis of demonstrated competence, qualifications, experience and responsiveness to RFQ requirements.
* The contract with Jenkins-Peer Architects, PA will include, but is not limited to:
* Facility analysis involving a structural assessment of the facility and an overall evaluation of the current facility, campus, and assets,
* Analysis of current science center facility trends and models across the nation,
* Identification and analysis of future facility needs and opportunities, and
* Development of a master plan and conceptual design for future facility assets, including facility expansion and facade renovation, exhibit, and experience concepts and budgets.
* It ...
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