Transit Vehicle Location System Maintenance Contract
Authorize the City Manager to enter into a five-year contract with Trapeze, Inc. for maintenance services for the software system that provides automatic vehicle location (AVL) functions for CATS buses.
Staff Resource(s):
John Lewis, CATS
Mike Haddad, CATS
§ CATS is seeking a five-year contract to ensure the vehicle location system for its bus fleet is maintained in a state of good repair.
§ All CATS buses are required to have an AVL unit to locate buses and communicate with drivers in emergency situations.
§ In addition, the system monitors on-time performance of buses, allows customers to locate buses and tracks ridership information by route and stop.
§ Currently, the system is maintained by Trapeze Inc.
§ Trapeze was selected to provide this maintenance because it is a proprietary system and therefore there are no other vendors authorized to support the software.
§ The estimated annual cost of the maintenance contract is $317,626.
Charlotte Business INClusion
No subcontracting goal was established because there are no subcontracting opportunities (Part C: Section 2.1(a) of the Charlotte Business INClusion Policy).
Fiscal Note
Funding: CATS Operating Budget