Katie Blessing Center
A. Approve a $2,500,000 allocation from fiscal year 2025 Pay-As-You-Go in support of the Katie Blessing Center's overall capital campaign to develop a pediatric behavioral health care facility, and
B. Authorize the City Manager or his designee to negotiate, execute, and amend any necessary contracts and agreements to complete the transaction.
Committee Chair:
Victoria Watlington, Housing, Safety and Community Committee
Staff Resource(s):
Shawn Heath, City Manager's Office
* Katie Blessing Foundation, the non-profit division of StarMed Healthcare, seeks to eliminate barriers to health care access and ensure equitable access to communities with persistent health disparities.
* The Foundation has committed $20 million to develop an approximately 70,000 square foot pediatric and behavioral health care center in east Charlotte called the Katie Blessing Center (Center) and is currently undertaking a capital campaign seeking public and private funding commitments for the remaining development costs; the estimated total project cost is $63 million.
* The Center will be North Carolina's largest and most advanced pediatric health care facility, offering a full continuity of services on one campus. Services will focus on the whole child and include:
* Behavioral health urgent care;
* Acute inpatient hospital;
* Residential treatment facility; and
* Traditional outpatient care, including telehealth and family intervention to support thoughtful transitional care and reduce re-admissions.
* The Center will be located in the Central Avenue/Albemarle Road Corridor of Opportunity on approximately 3.89 acres at 5516 Central Avenue (parcel identification number 103-021-02) (Property) in Council District 5.
* The city's $2.5 million funding allocation will be released contingent upon receipt of a construction permit.
* On January 23, 2023, City Council approved the market-rate sale of the Property for...
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