Land Acquisition for Tree Canopy Preservation Program - Rocky River Church Road
A. Approve the purchase of approximately 30.950 acres of property (parcel identification number 111-471-01) located near Rocky River Church Road, Charlotte, North Carolina for a purchase price of $712,075,
B. Authorize the City Manager or his designee to grant a conservation easement to the Catawba Lands Conservancy, and
C. Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to negotiate and execute any documents necessary to complete these transactions.
Staff Resource(s):
Alyson Craig, Planning, Design, and Development
Tim Porter, Planning, Design, and Development
* The city was approached by a real estate broker representing the property owners to determine interest in acquisition of land for the Tree Canopy Preservation Program (TCPP).
* The property, zoned NA-1, is located in the extraterritorial jurisdiction, is in close proximity to the Sherman Branch Nature Preserve and is adjacent to properties recently purchased by the city for TCPP.
* The city performed an assessment of the property using the current TCPP conservation scoring model. The property scored high in comparison to previously TCPP-acquired and targeted properties with significant value related to property location, acres of contiguous tree canopy, forest health, and overall ecosystem and conservation values.
* This property contains high-quality mature hardwood forest and other native, beneficial species. Acquisition of the site will help protect a diversity of resident and migratory wildlife as well as the water quality of the local watershed.
* The city will donate a conservation easement to the Catawba Lands Conservancy to ensure stewardship of the tree canopy and monitoring of the property in perpetuity.
* The city negotiated the purchase price with the property owners based on appraised value and the list price.
* On September 16, 2024, the Planning Committee reviewed t...
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