Rubber Speed Cushion Installation
A. Approve a unit price contract with AWP, Inc. dba AWP Safety for Rubber Speed Cushion Installation for an initial term of three years, and
B. Authorize the City Manager to renew the contract for up to two, one-year terms with possible price adjustments and to amend the contract consistent with the purpose for which the contract was approved.
Staff Resource(s):
Debbie Smith, Transportation
David Smith, Transportation
Bruce Horldt, Transportation
§ The Neighborhood Traffic Calming Policy was adopted in 1997, with the latest revision occurring in 2022.
§ The Policy provides guidance for when traffic calming tools are appropriate for use on residential streets. These tools include speed cushions and multi-way stops.
§ This contract will be utilized to install rubber speed cushions for neighborhood traffic calming when applicable.
§ On May 18, 2022, the city issued a Request for Proposals (RFP); three responses were received.
§ AWP, Inc. dba AWP Safety best meets the city’s needs in terms of qualifications, experience, cost, and responsiveness to RFP requirements.
§ Price adjustments may be considered based on legitimate and justified increases in the cost of doing business.
§ Annual expenditures are estimated to be $219,500.
Charlotte Business INClusion
Per Charlotte Business INClusion Policy: Part B: Section 2.3, The city shall not establish Subcontracting Goals for Contracts where: (a) there are not subcontracting opportunities for the Contract; or (b) there are no MWSBEs certified to perform the scope of work that the city regards as realistic opportunities for subcontracting.
This contract meets the provision of (a) - No subcontracting opportunities.
Fiscal Note
Funding: General Capital Investment Plan