South Tryon Street Chiller Replacement
A. Approve contract amendment #2 in an amount up to $76,450 to the contract with STR Mechanical, LLC for the 3145 South Tryon Street Chiller Replacement Project, and
B. Authorize the City manager to renew the contract for up to one, one-year term and amend the contract consistent with the purpose for which the contract was approved.
Staff Resource(s):
Brent Cagle, CATS
Craig Fox, CATS
§ On January 10, 2022, the city entered into a contract in the amount of $474,379.30 with STR Mechanical, LLC for the 3145 South Tryon Street Chiller Replacement Project.
§ On December 8, 2023, the contract was amended to extend the Term of the Contract through March 31, 2024.
§ Amendment #2 is needed for additional piping and welding work inside walls that was not visible until demolition occurred for the chiller replacement, and to cover overtime for work that needed to occur outside of normal operating hours to avoid disruption of service to normal transit operations. Neither of these expenses were foreseen to be included within the original contract value.
§ The new total value of the contract is $550,829.30.
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
Established DBE Goal: 3.00%
Committed DBE Goal: 8.30%
All additional work involved with this amendment will be performed by STR Mechanical and their existing subcontractor.
§ Besco Electric (DBE, MBE) ($45,722) (electrical contractor)
Fiscal Note
Funding: CATS Capital Investment Plan