Professional Planning and Design Services for Various Storm Water Services Projects
A. Approve a contract for up to $1,200,000 with Armstrong Glen, PC for planning and design services for the Collective Culverts #2 Storm Drainage Improvement Project,
B. Approve a contract for up to $1,300,000 with Dewberry Engineers, Inc. for planning and design services for the Bonnybrook Storm Drainage Improvement Project, and
C. Authorize the City Manager to amend the contracts consistent with the purpose for which the contracts were approved.
Staff Resource(s):
Angela Charles, Charlotte Water
Mike Davis, Storm Water Services
Matthew Gustis, Storm Water Services
* Professional engineering services will include evaluation of infrastructure and reported storm drainage concerns to determine and design needed improvements to the existing drainage system.
* Specific planning tasks include, but are not limited to:
* Site assessment activities,
* Hydrologic and hydraulic analyses,
* Determination of alternatives to address the applicable drainage issues,
* Recommendations of a preferred solution, and
* Evaluation of downstream impacts, and
* Selection of project delivery method.
* Specific design tasks include, but are not limited to:
* Design of repairs and/or improvements,
* Preparation of construction documents, and
* Construction administration.
* On December 22, 2023 the city issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ); 22 responses were received.
* Armstrong Glen, PC, Dewberry Engineers, Inc., McAdams, WithersRavenel, Inc, and WK Dickson and Co., Inc. were selected as the best qualified to meet the city's needs on the basis of demonstrated competence and qualification of professional services in response to the RFQ requirements.
Action A
* The Collective Culverts #2 Storm Drainage Improvement Project consists of three separate drainage culverts located at: North Brevard Street, Autumnwood Lane and Addison Drive. These three location...
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