Regional Express Bus and Bus Shuttle Service Agreements
A. Adopt a resolution ratifying the Interlocal Agreements with the City of Kings Mountain, City of Gastonia, City of Rock Hill, SC, and Union County for Regional Express Bus Services, for an initial term of one year, with the following partner costs for the cities and counties:
? City of Kings Mountain at a partner cost of $44,500,
? City of Gastonia at a partner cost of $159,423,
? City of Rock Hill at a partner cost of $152,369,
? Union County at a partner cost of $126,557,
B. Approve a contract with Wells Fargo and Carowinds Paramount Park for the regional express bus shuttle service, for an initial term of one year, with the following partner costs for the businesses:
? Wells Fargo at a partner cost of $8,409,
? Carowinds Paramount Park at a partner cost of $44,411, and
C. Authorize the City Manager to renew the agreements for up to five additional, one-year terms and amend the agreements consistent with the purpose for which the agreements were approved.
Staff Resource(s):
John Lewis, CATS
Pamela White, CATS
* The Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) operates express bus services to four counties surrounding Mecklenburg County.
* Current contracts for these services will expire in June 30, 2018.
* As part of the Metropolitan Transit Commission adopted policies, Concord, Kings Mountain, Rock Hill, and Union County will reimburse the City for 50 percent of the net operating expense (including overhead) for regional express bus services between their respective jurisdictions and Uptown Charlotte. The City of Gastonia will reimburse the City 50 percent for traditional regional services and 100 percent for the mid-day service.
* Wells Fargo will reimburse the City for 100 percent of the net operating expense (including overhead) for the bus route services. Carowinds, CATS, and Housing and Neighborhood Services will equally contribute for the net operati...
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