Appropriate Funds for SouthPark Street Name Marker Installation
A. Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with SouthPark Community Partners, Inc. for street name marker installations, and
B. Adopt a budget ordinance appropriating $126,500 in contributions from SouthPark Community Partners, Inc. for street marker installations to the General Capital Projects Fund.
Staff Resource(s):
Debbie Smith, Transportation
David Smith, Transportation
§ SouthPark Community Partners, Inc. approached the Charlotte Department of Transportation (CDOT) about installing new street name markers in the SouthPark Municipal Service District (MSD), located in Council District 6.
§ The new signage will incorporate the logo of the recently formed MSD.
§ An agreement is needed to accept funding for street name marker installations, and this funding must be appropriated prior to the city’s initiation of work.
§ The $126,500 in funding is for installing street name markers within the project limits. Funding is restricted to use in the SouthPark MSD.
§ This contribution is based on cost estimates prepared by CDOT, and funding that is unused by the city will be refunded after project completion.
§ CDOT will install and maintain this signage.
Fiscal Note
Funding: Private Developer Contributions
Budget Ordinance