Municipal Agreement for the DeArmon Road Complete Street Project
A. Adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Municipal Agreement with the North Carolina Department of Transportation to accept Surface Transportation Block Grant funds in the amount of $5,486,000 for the DeArmon Road Complete Street project, and
B. Adopt a budget ordinance appropriating $5,486,000 in Surface Transportation Block Grant funds from NCDOT for construction to be used on the DeArmon Road Complete Street project.
Staff Resource(s):
Debbie Smith, Transportation
Johanna Quinn, Transportation
Matt Magnasco, Transportation
* The DeArmon Road Complete Street Project is a city project that will improve DeArmon Road for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists in the Prosperity Village area of northeast Charlotte (Council District 4).
* The project limits extend from Benfield Road to Browne Road, a distance of approximately 0.8 miles.
* The project scope includes the following primary components:
* Widening DeArmon Road to include two vehicular lanes and a center median/turn lane
* Installing pedestrian and bicycle accommodations
* Updating street lighting
* Correcting existing roadway storm drainage issues, and
* Accommodating a future grade-separated Clark's Creek Greenway crossing.
* These scope elements complement the city's investments in the Prosperity Village community over the past two decades and connect surrounding neighborhoods to the future Clark's Creek Greenway and the Prosperity Village Community Activity Center.
* The total funding for the DeArmon project is $22,021,000 and is as follows:
* $5,486,000 in Surface Transportation Block Grant federal funding
* $16,535,000 city funding from four bond referendums between 2014-2020.
* This format is consistent with past municipal agreements between the city and NCDOT.
* Project construction is expected to begin in January 2025.
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