CATS Bus Service Agreement with the City of Concord
A. Adopt a resolution ratifying the Interlocal Agreement with the City of Concord for bus service operated by the Concord Kannapolis Transit System for one year that will connect the City of Concord to the LYNX Blue Line, and
B. Authorize the City Manager to renew the agreement for up to four additional, one-year terms and to amend the agreement consistent with the purposes for which the agreement was approved.
Staff Resource(s):
John Lewis, CATS
Larry Kopf, CATS
* The City of Concord will pay for and operate bus service connecting to the LYNX Blue Line at the JW Clay Station, and this bus service will begin when the LYNX Blue Line light rail service is extended to UNC-Charlotte.
* Charlotte residents will be able to ride the new Concord bus service by virtue of bus stop locations along the portion of the bus line that will be located in the City of Charlotte.
* Since the new service benefits residents of Charlotte, CATS will pay for a share of the service cost.
* The total annual cost of the bus service is $299,980. CATS will reimburse $115,476 to Concord on an annual basis.
* Service will operate seven days per week with 14 roundtrips available each weekday and 11 roundtrips available on Saturdays and Sundays.
* Other benefits of the new service will include:
* Improved mobility for residents of both Concord and Charlotte,
* Increased ridership on the light rail system,
* Extension of transit service to an area of Charlotte without current service, and
* Help Charlotte meet air quality attainment goals.
* The new bus service will replace existing express bus service operated by CATS. The current express service only has eight trips per day, and does not operate on weekends.
* The current service is not designed to connect to the light rail system.
* The current service cost CATS $115,476 annually.
Charlotte Business INClusion
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