Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department Communications Recording System Maintenance Agreement
A. Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute a contract for a term of five years with Carolina Recording Systems, LLC for maintenance and support services on the recording equipment system utilized by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department's 911 center,
B. Authorize the City Manager to purchase maintenance and support for as long as the City uses the system, and
C. Authorize the City Manager to purchase such additional software licenses, services, and hardware as needed from time to time to optimize the City's use of the system.
Staff Resource(s):
Kerr Putney, Police
Katrina Graue, Police
Sonya Williams, Police
* The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department (CMPD) currently uses Eventide, a system to record radio communications, 911 calls, dispatchers, and emergency operators.
* CMPD purchased the current system from Carolina Recording Systems, LLC in 2016.
* On May 23, 2016, City Council approved a contract with Carolina Recording Systems, LLC and Eventide, Inc. for purchases of Eventide hardware, software licenses, and associated maintenance and support, implementation services, and training services, based on the term of the existing General Services Administration Contract GS-35F-0415V.
* City Council's authorization is requested to enter into a separate agreement with Carolina Recording Systems, LLC for the ongoing maintenance and support services to ensure long term continuity of services.
* Carolina Recording Systems, LLC will provide continued high level software maintenance support and services including expedited onsite after-hours support.
* CMPD has identified a need to purchase additional software licenses, services, hosting and hardware to optimize the use of the system.
* The estimated expenditures during the first two years are expected to include:
* Eventide and Motorola software license up...
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