LYNX Silver Line Equitable Transit-Oriented Development Study
A. Approve a contract for up to $506,250 with Community Building Initiative for the LYNX Silver Line Equitable Transit-Oriented Development Study, and
B. Authorize the City Manager to amend the contract consistent with the purpose for which the contract was approved.
Staff Resource(s):
Alyson Craig, Planning, Design and Development
Monica Holmes, Planning, Design and Development
Brent Cagle, CATS
Debbie Smith, Transportation
§ In January 2022, the city was awarded a $405,000 Transit-Oriented Development Pilot Grant from the Federal Transit Administration to develop a policy and implementation study for equitable development along the proposed LYNX Silver Line light rail line.
§ The study area includes station areas within the City of Charlotte, unincorporated Mecklenburg County, and the Town of Matthews. Within the City of Charlotte, the project extends through Council districts 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6.
§ The Equitable Transit-Oriented Development (ETOD) Study will be broken down into two phases.
- Phase 1 Coalition Building: a community-driven road map to develop equitable policies to create cultural, social, economic, and environmental resilience and housing stability within station areas. This phase will involve intensive engagement with hard-to-reach community members along the LYNX Silver Line. The policies will be co-created with vulnerable station-area community members and small-business owners facing displacement risks, and result in an ETOD Policy Plan and performance metrics.
- Phase 2 Implementation Strategy: focused on transforming policy frameworks into actionable steps for equitable development. This phase includes project prioritization, pilot projects, and community investment programs, to be included in an ETOD Implementation Strategy.
§ On January 25, 2023, the city issued a Request for Proposals (RFP); four responses were received.
§ Community Building Initiative best meets the city’s needs in terms of qualifications, experience, proposed approach, cost, and responsiveness of the RFP requirements.
§ Grant matching funds are being provided by the CATS, Planning, and CDOT. The matching funds total $101,250.
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
Established DBE Goal: 16.00%
Committed DBE Goal: 16.00%
Community Building Initiative has agreed to meet the established subcontracting goal using the following certified DBE firms:
§ Pride Public Relations (SBE, MBE, DBE) (public outreach)
§ Neighboring Concepts PLLC (MBE, DBE) (community engagement)
Fiscal Note
Funding: Transit-Oriented Development Pilot Grant - Federal Transit Administration; and CATS, Planning, and CDOT Operating Budget