Airport On-Call Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Services
A. Approve contracts with the following companies for on-call Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing services for five years:
- AME Consulting Engineers, PC (SBE, DBE)
- LaBella Associates
- McKim & Creed, Inc.
- Syska Hennessy Group, Inc.
- RS&H Architects - Engineers-Planners, Inc., and
B. Authorize the City Manager to amend the contracts consistent with the purpose for which the contracts were approved.
Staff Resource(s):
Haley Gentry, Aviation
Jack Christine, Aviation
§ The Airport requires on-call Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing services for HVAC, plumbing, fire protection, electrical, baggage handling system, and passenger boarding bridges.
§ On August 28, 2023, the city issued a Request for Qualifications; nine proposals were received.
§ The selected firms best meet the city’s needs in terms of qualifications and experience.
§ Pricing for these services will be based on the size and nature of the project.
§ Annual aggregate expenditures are estimated to be $2,500,000.
Charlotte Business INClusion
The city negotiates contract participation after the proposal selection process. The specific tasks and contract opportunities associated with these contracts are undefined; however, Prime consultants have identified certified firms to be utilized:
§ AME Consulting Engineers, PC (SBE, DBE)
- Kelso & Easter, Inc. (MBE) (architecture services)
- Stewart Engineering, Inc. (MBE) (civil, structural, surveying, utility location)
§ LaBella Associates
- Capstone Civil Engineering, Inc. (MBE, SBE) (construction, geotechnical testing)
- BESCO Electrical (MBE) (electrical testing)
- ALR Architecture, PC (MBE, SBE) (architecture)
§ McKim & Creed, Inc.
- Neighboring Concepts PLLC (MBE) (architecture)
- Stewart Engineering, Inc. (MBE) (structural engineering)
§ RS&H Architects-Engineers-Planners, Inc.
- Richa Graphics (MBE, SBE) (graphics, 3D modeling)
- CES Group Engineers, LLP (WBE) (surveying, utility location, condition assessments)
- Sweetwater Utility Exploration, LLC (WBE, SBE) (utility location, assessments)
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
The Federal DBE program does not require a DBE goal for all On-Call Contracts. DBE goals will be negotiated per task order. Aviation will monitor goal achievement throughout the life off the contracts. The following certified firm(s) have been identified to be utilized as the project evolves:
§ AME Consulting Engineers, PC (SBE, DBE)
- Kelso & Easter, Inc., (DBE) (architecture services)
- Stewart Engineering, Inc., (DBE) (civil, structural, surveying utility location)
§ LaBella Associates
- Capstone Civil Engineering, Inc., (DBE) (construction testing, geotechnical)
- BESCO Electrical, (DBE) (electrical testing)
- ALR Architecture, PC, (DBE) (architecture)
§ McKim & Creed, Inc.
- Neighboring Concepts PLLC, (DBE) (architecture)
§ RS&H Architects-Engineers-Planners, Inc.
- CES Group Engineers, LLP (DBE) (surveying, utility location, condition assessments)
- Connico, LLC (DBE) (cost estimating)
Fiscal Note
Funding: Aviation Capital Investment Plan