Storm Water Rain and Stream Gauges Maintenance Agreement
Approve a five-year agreement with the United States Geological Survey (USGS) for an amount up to $2,247,100 for maintenance of storm water rain and stream gauges.
Staff Resource(s):
Mike Davis, Engineering and Property Management
Samantha Willis, Engineering and Property Management
§ The funding from this agreement is used to maintain the rain and stream gauge system in the City of Charlotte stream network.
§ Since 1961, the City of Charlotte has worked with the USGS gathering rainfall and stream flow information through a cost-sharing program. The previous agreement was for a five-year period and approved by Council on November 26, 2012.
§ The rain and stream gauge network for the City of Charlotte is part of a nationwide network that measures quantity and quality of surface water resources.
- A rain gauge electronically collects and transmits the amount of rain at the location the gauge is stationed. The gauge transmits rainfall amounts to the USGS office for compilation.
- A stream gauge electronically collects and transmits information about the water within streams and lakes. The gauge collects and transmits elevation, temperature, chemical flow information to the USGS office for compilation.
- There are 31 stream gauge stations and 38 rain gauge stations in the City of Charlotte stream network.
§ Data from the gauge system is used to:
- Determine flood-prone areas,
- Review rain event impacts,
- Determine long-term trends,
- Aid in water-quality investigations,
- Assist in drainage infrastructure design, and
- Generate the flood information and notification system, which notifies emergency personnel of potential threats to life and property.
§ The agreement with USGS is for a five-year period. The total five-year cost is $3,590,800. The City’s share payable to USGS on 31 stream gauges and 38 rain gauges is $2,247,100, with USGS funding the $1,343,700 remainder.
§ Mecklenburg County has a separate annual agreement with USGS and shares the cost on 24 stream gauges and 36 rain gauges.
Charlotte Business INClusion
Contracts with other units of federal or state government are exempt (Part A: Appendix 1.27 of the Charlotte Business INClusion Policy).
Fiscal Note
Funding: Storm Water Operating Budget