Roadway Improvements Reimbursement Municipal Agreement
A. Authorize the City Manager to execute a municipal agreement in an amount not to exceed $1,830,000 with the University of North Carolina at Charlotte for roadway improvements along John Kirk Drive, and
B. Adopt a resolution for the North Carolina Department of Transportation to use North Carolina State discretionary funds in the amount of $500,000 for roadway improvements along John Kirk Drive.
Staff Resource(s):
Johanna Quinn, Transportation
§ The University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC), the City of Charlotte, and the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) are partnering to improve John Kirk Drive, between Cameron Boulevard and University City Boulevard.
- The work will improve traffic, bicyclist, and pedestrian mobility and safety along and across John Kirk Drive, which is a City-maintained street.
§ Improvements at John Kirk Drive and Cameron Boulevard include (see item “A” on the attached map):
- Realigning both streets to accommodate a future fourth leg into east campus, and
- Adding traffic and pedestrian signals to facilitate vehicular, pedestrian, and bicyclist access.
§ Improvements at John Kirk Drive and Van Landingham Road include (see item “B” on the attached map):
- Constructing a median on John Kirk Drive to restrict left turns out of Van Landingham Road, and
- Adding a pedestrian traffic signal to facilitate pedestrian and bicycle movements across John Kirk Drive.
§ Improvements at John Kirk Drive and University City Boulevard include widening for a second left turn lane from John Kirk Drive onto University City Boulevard (see item “C” on the attached map).
§ The total estimated cost for improvements is $4,470,000, divided as follows:
- UNCC will provide funding of $2,140,000;
- The City of Charlotte will contribute up to $1,830,000;and
- NCDOT will contribute $500,000.
§ UNCC will design the project, secure required permits and construct the improvements.
Action A
§ The Agreement will provide for the City’s reimbursement to UNCC not to exceed $1,830,000 towards the total cost of the project.
Action B
§ NCDOT will contribute $500,000 from North Carolina State Discretionary Funds towards the project.
§ The NCDOT requires that City Council adopt a resolution in support of using these discretionary funds.
Fiscal Note
Funding: Transportation Community Investment Plan