Metropolitan Planning Program Grant Municipal Agreement
A. Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute a Municipal Agreement with the North Carolina Department of Transportation to support transit-planning activities for the Charlotte Regional Transportation Planning Organization,
B. Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to execute Interlocal Agreements with Iredell County Area Transportation System and Union County Transportation to support transit-planning activities for the Charlotte Regional Transportation Planning Organization, and
C. Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to execute Interlocal Agreements with Centralina Regional Council, the Town of Indian Trail, the Town of Matthews, the Town of Mooresville, and the Town of Stallings to support transportation planning projects.
Staff Resource(s):
Alyson Craig, Planning, Design & Development
Bob Cook, Planning, Design & Development
Brent Cagle, CATS
Actions A and B
§ The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) awarded the Fiscal 2024 Metropolitan Planning Grant to the City of Charlotte in July 2023.
§ The city receives this grant annually as the lead planning agency for the Charlotte Regional Transportation Planning Organization (CRTPO) and as the major fixed-route transit operator for the urban area.
§ The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) requires grant recipients to enter into a new Municipal Agreement to receive the annual allocation.
§ The city is responsible for the deliverables outlined in this grant, including:
- The federally compliant travel demand model required for transportation planning and air quality conformity, and
- Updating the Transit Element of the Metropolitan Transportation Plan, developing transit travel demand forecasts, conducting ridership surveys, and monitoring and updating the Transportation Improvement Program, as necessary, to advance projects and ensure compliance with federal regulations.
§ Funding was sub-allocated for local projects to Iredell County Area Transit System and Union County Transportation.
§ The total FTA planning budget for CRTPO is $1,363,911 of which $1,091,128 (80 percent) consists of federal funds, $136,391 (10 percent) consists of state funds, and $136,392 (10 percent) consists of local funds.
- Iredell County Area Transportation System will receive up to $56,261 for transit planning activities, including public transportation, data and planning support, public participation, and statewide and supplemental regional planning.
- Union County Transportation will receive up to $95,450 for transit planning activities, including data and planning support, public participation, and statewide and supplemental regional planning.
- The local match of $136,392 will be shared by the City of Charlotte ($119,535), Iredell County Area Transit System ($6,251) and Union County Transportation ($10,606).
Action C
§ Surface Transportation Block Grant-Direct Attributable (STBG-DA) are federal funds used to support CRTPO’s transportation planning activities.
§ The CRTPO sub-allocates some of its federal STBG-DA funds to its member jurisdictions to carry out local transportation planning activities.
- The Centralina regional Council will receive up to $33,600 for Centralina Linking Transit and Land Use at the Community Scale,
- The Town of Indian Trail will receive up to $120,000 for the Indian Trail Transportation Master Plan,
- The Town of Matthews will receive up to $120,000 for the Matthews John St Corridor Pedestrian and Bicycle Study,
- The Town of Mooresville will receive up to $160,000 for the Mooresville Mobility Plan, and
- The Town of Stallings will receive up to $100,000 for the Stallings Silver Line Plan Integration.
§ The required 20 percent match of federal funds is provided by the sponsoring jurisdiction. The local match for local transportation planning activities will be shared by all jurisdictions for Centralina Regional Council ($8,400), the Town of Indian Trail ($30,000), the Town of Matthews ($30,000), the Town of Mooresville ($40,000), and the Town of Stallings ($25,000).
§ The CRTPO is the federally designated metropolitan planning organization for the Charlotte urbanized area. It provides long-range transportation planning services to Mecklenburg, Union, and Iredell counties. The city is CRTPO’s lead planning agency and its staff is housed in the Planning, Design and Development department.
Charlotte Business INClusion
These are Municipal and Interlocal Agreement contracts and are exempt from the CBI Program.
Fiscal Note
Funding: General Grants Fund