Cooperative Contract for Industrial Supplies
A. Approve the purchase of Industrial Supplies from a cooperative purchasing contract as authorized by G.S. 143-129(e)(3),
B. Approve a unit price contract with Applied Industrial Technologies for the purchase of Industrial Supplies for a term of three years under U.S. Communities Contract #16154, dated February 1, 2017, and
C. Authorize the City Manager to extend the contract for additional one-year terms as long as the cooperative contract is in effect, at prices and terms that are the same or more favorable than those offered under the cooperative contract.
Staff Resource(s):
Randy Harrington, Management and Financial Services
Kay Elmore, Management and Financial Services
Cooperative Purchasing Exemption
NC S.L. 2001-328, effective January 1, 2002, authorizes competitive group purchasing.
§ Industrial supplies, such as bearings, seals, gears, hand tools, and laser alignment tools, are routinely required by CATS, Aviation, Charlotte Water, and other City departments for daily operations.
§ A cooperative purchasing agreement results from the consolidation and competitive solicitation of multiple public agency requirements. By aggregating common needs, all agencies are able to leverage economies of scale, such as volume discounts, improved terms and conditions, reduced administrative costs, and access to professional and technical expertise that can be utilized on a local, regional, and national level.
§ Applied Industrial Technologies has a contract awarded by Maricopa County, AZ, on behalf of U.S. Communities that offers competitively-obtained contracts to public agencies nationwide.
§ The City is a member of and serves on the U.S. Communities Advisory Board.
§ Annual expenditures are estimated to be $200,000.
Charlotte Business INClusion
This is a cooperative purchasing contract and is exempt (Part A: Appendix 27 of the Charlotte Business INClusion Policy).
Fiscal Note
Funding: Department Operating Budget