Petroleum Tank Maintenance Services
Approve a unit price contract for petroleum tank maintenance services with the following companies for a three-year term:
- Petroleum Equipment & Service, Inc. and
- SouthEastern Petroleum Services, Inc.
Staff Resource(s):
Gina Shell, Engineering and Property Management
Douglas Pierotti, Engineering and Property Management
§ The City operates more than 100 petroleum underground storage tanks at numerous City facilities required to meet EPA/State regulatory compliance.
§ The operation and maintenance of fueling systems includes:
- Electronic monitoring/testing of leak detection and spill prevention equipment,
- Installation, repair and/or replacement of piping and tank system components,
- Vacuum/pumping services as needed for preventive maintenance, and
- Testing and calibration services to comply with regulatory compliance inspection.
§ Individual work orders will be assigned to the contractors as need arises.
§ On December 22, 2016, the City issued a Request for Proposals; four proposals were received from interested professional service providers.
§ Petroleum Equipment & Service, Inc. and SouthEastern Petroleum Services, Inc. are the best qualified firms to meet the City’s needs.
§ Total estimated contract expenditures for all contracts are $600,000 annually.
Charlotte Business INClusion
The City negotiates subcontracting participation after the proposal selection process (Part C: Section 2.1(h) of the Charlotte Business INClusion Policy). On these contracts, the Prime Consultants have each committed 10 percent of the total contract amount to the following certified firms:
Petroleum Equipment & Service, Inc.
§ Blew Inc. (SBE) (electrical)
§ The Huffstetler Group (SBE) (concrete)
SouthEastern Petroleum Services, Inc.
§ Blew Inc. (SBE) (electrical)
§ Boyle Consulting Engineers (SBE) (engineering services)
§ Concord Industrial Service Co. (SBE) (grading & concrete)
Fiscal Note
Funding: General Community Investment Plan